Curriculum – KS3

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is ambitious, sequenced and designed to give all students the knowledge they need to make good progress.

The Key Stage 3 curriculum was reviewed in 2020.

All students follow a  Personal Development programme which promotes all aspects of personal and social development; health and wellbeing; and citizenship. Assemblies and tutor time activities support this development of our students as independent, tolerant, global citizens.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Key Stage 3 Curriculum

Our Key Stage 3 curriculum is broad, ambitious, and challenging, ensuring students acquire and master key knowledge and ideas that will allow them to be productive and creative and be fully prepared to enter Key Stage 4.  Subject Leaders have designed their curriculum in detail, focusing on the sequencing of learning, to ensure students accumulate a rich depth of the knowledge.  Subject Leaders have created a learning journey through Key Stage 3 and, based on their curriculum have identified descriptors that state what students in each year should know and be able to do at each stage of their learning.  Based on the level of recall and application of knowledge that students demonstrate they are classified as Novice, Capable or Expert in terms of their progress against the identified endpoints.  These descriptors allow teachers to have high quality conversations with students and parents/carers about progress and next steps in learning.  Just as importantly teachers can be more responsive in their planning of lessons to scaffold the learning of classes and individuals within lessons.

In tandem with these curriculum descriptors, we also have attitude to learning descriptors, which identify what a student is like as a learner.  It is imperative that students adopt positive learning habits so they can become more efficient, effective, and independent learners in preparation for the next Key Stage.

For each subject studied at Key Stage 3 you will be able to see the learning journey through the Key Stage, and the descriptors teachers will be judging students’ progress on.  The e mail address of the Subject Lead can be found in each subject area so please contact them if you would like further information about their curriculum, or guidance about how you can support your son/daughter.

Our learning journeys and curriculum descriptors may change and evolve over time in response to the needs of our students and ever changing world we live in. If you would like to find out more about our curriculum and subjects offered here at The Roundhill Academy please click here


Further information about the Key Stage 3 please select from the links below.

For additional information on the Key Stage 3 curriculum please contact Lucy Griffin Assistant Headteacher at