SENDCo – Sam Auger
It is my privilege to be the SENDCo at Roundhill. Having worked at Roundhill since 2016 as a Pastoral Lead and Head of English at Roundhill I know and understand our school and its community.
As the parent of a child with additional needs, I fully understand the importance of listening to young people and their parents about their journey through school. I wholly believe that parents know their children best and strive to work collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes for our young people.
SEND at Roundhill
At Roundhill we believe in nurturing an inclusive environment where all children are given the opportunity to thrive. The SEND team work alongside teaching and pastoral staff to provide holistic support to our young people with additional needs. Our suite of inclusion rooms is at the heart of the school, offering students a central location to access support, help and space to regulate.
We believe in inclusion; our young people are supported to attend lessons with their peers, ispiring them to achieve and succeed. A range of interventions are in place to bridge the gap when needed.
Inclusion runs through everything we do and everything we stand for; our young people are supported to attend enrichment opportunities and we champion their involvement in extra curricula activities sucvh as the Student Leadership Group and the Eco Club.
Provision & Interventions at Roundhill
At Roundhill we aim to develop independence in our young people. In class support from our Learning Support team is provided in some lessons to enable the class teacher to work closely with those students in the classroom who need their expert teaching most.
Our Learning Support team also run a range of interventions to meet the needs of young people.Interventions are chosen using the graduated approach and assess, plan, do, review cycles to ensure they are having maximum impact.
What our Parents/Carers say….
‘…The SEN provision & Learning Development Team are spot on anything that is required is catered for…’
‘…the additional transition days were a huge support to my child…’
‘…your support has helped my child…’
‘….your early identification of my child’s needs and the provision you’ve given is much appreciated….’
‘…. you gave us the chance to talk as individuals…’
What our students say….
‘…. thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I won’t forget it…’
‘…. I enjoy what I do in Learning Development because I know I can do it….’
‘…. your help has helped me feel better about my learning…’
‘…. I think my work in Learning Development will help me in other subjects….’
‘… my dyslexia is not as bad as it was because of your help…’
What outside agencies say…
‘…you’re such a good team, such a positive atmosphere; it’s great to work with you…’
‘…you’ve gone above and beyond, I’m confident that when this child comes to you they will get the support they need….’
‘…the student has made such good progress, they are so positive about themselves and their future…’
SEND Local Offer
From September 2014 every local authority was required to publish information about services they expect to be available in their area for children and young people from birth to 25 who have special educational needs and/ or disabilities (SEND); and also services outside of the area which they expect children and young people from their area will use. This will be known as the ‘Local Offer’. The Local Offer will put all the information about education, health and care services, leisure activities and support groups in one place.
It has two main purposes:
- To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available
- To make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations
- is a link to the Local Authority website where you can get more information.
- The Government states that the Local Offer must be developed and reviewed in partnership with children and young people, parent carers, and local services, including early year’s settings, schools, colleges, health and social care agencies.
The Roundhill Local Offer refers to our support package in school.
Useful contacts and information
LA Information:
If you require independent advice, please contact SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS Leicestershire):
Contact the team
As far as possible we operate an open door policy. Parents/Carers, Staff and Students can ask for guidance at any time. We will endeavour to return calls and messages within 24 working hours.
My team and I attend Open Evenings, Transition Meetings and all Parents’ Evenings; we are always available for you to share your concerns and celebrate successes.
Sam Auger SENDCo